Leading Mass Flow Meter Manufacturers

Mass Flow Meter

Mass flow meters are devices that are used to measure the rate of flow of a liquid as it passes through a system.

Typically, flow meters are separated based on how they measure the flow, either by volume per unit time or mass per unit time. These two categories separate quite a few different flow meters by simply looking if the flow meter measures the flow of fluid by volume or if the flow meter looks at the mass of fluid that is passing through the system.
Now within these two broad categories there are sub-categories; there are two common types of mass flow meters within the mass flow meter category.
The first is known as a Coriolis flow meters which gets its name due to the fact that it utilizes the Coriolis effect to get the job done. The second type of mass flow meter is the thermal mass flow meter which uses heat transfer principles in order to measure the mass flow rate. Read More…

Mass Flow Meter Mass flow meters are devices that are used to measure the rate of flow of a liquid as it passes through a system.

Sierra manufacturers high performance mass flow meters and controllers for nearly any gas, liquid or steam. Customers choose Sierra when they need an accurate and repeatable flow measurement, short delivery lead times, expert flow advice and long term support. When it matters, choose Sierra. Visit www.sierrainstruments.com.

Sierra Instruments $$$

AW-Lake Company manufactures flow monitoring equipment and goes to market through four brands: TRICOR Coriolis Technology, LAKE Monitors, AW Gear Meters and Turbine Flow. The broad range of flow meters include coriolis mass, positive displacement, variable area and turbine technologies. We service many industries, including oil & gas, automotive, food & beverage, chemical processing and...

AW-Lake Company $$$

Turbines is an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacture specializing in the design of high quality, cost-efficient rugged turbine flow meters for industry oil and gas, and business flow measurement applications that require accuracy, repetition and reliability. We have established ourselves as a trusted leader in the field of flow measurement. We also offer a wide range of accessories such as...

Turbines, Inc. $$$

At Niagara Meters, we specialize in providing high-quality flow meters and comprehensive solutions to meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. With our dedication to excellence and extensive experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted leader in the field of flow measurement. Our product portfolio encompasses a wide range of flow meters meticulously engineered to deliver accurate ...

Niagara Meters $$$

SIKA is a developer and manufacturer of flow control products and a wide variety of other measuring and monitoring systems. Our inventory includes flow sensors, flow meters, flow switches, and many more. We know that flow solutions aren't one-size-fits-all, which is why we provide consultation and flow management solutions that are individualized and customized to your requirements. When you...

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The Coriolis mass flow meter works by having the fluid flow through a series of tubes which are undergoing a constant vibration, this vibration is what causes the Coriolis effect which means that oscillation is occurring in different parts of the tubes.

Sensors attached to the tubes pick up data from these oscillations which are measured to calculate the mass flow of the fluid.

Thermal mass flow meters, on the other hand, measure heat dissipation in order to determine the flow rate, the faster the liquid is flowing the greater the cooling effect.

Inline and Insertion Mass Flow Meters Inline and Insertion Mass Flow Meters - Sierra Instruments

Mass flow meters are used within a wide range of industries such as chemical processing, food, beverage, power, oil and gas, water, pharmaceutical, mining and so many more.It goes without saying that mass flow meters are used in applications where knowing the mass of the fluid is far more beneficial than knowing the volume of the flow.

In order to determine if a mass flow meter is right for your application, contact a trusted flow meter manufacturer and let them know your application and specifications.

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Flow Meters Power Pages

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Flow Instrumentation

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